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This course provides students with the hands-on experience and knowledge they need to successfully begin writing grant proposals, including real-world scenarios, and the opportunity to improve their work by reviewing previous grant proposals completed by peers.
Instructor-Moderated (Online) or Self-Guided (Online)
24 hours
Sharpen your grant research skills, write the most important sections of grant applications, and learn the types of grants available.
Instructor-Moderated (Online) or Self-Guided (Online)
24 hours
Learn all there is to know about writing grants, fundraising, and organizing a grant writing campaign. This group of online classes is ideal for those wanting to learn more about managing fundraising and grant writing fundamentals.
Instructor-Moderated (Online)
48 hours
Our Accounting and Finance for Entrepreneurs course will help you better understand accounting principles, financial statements, and budgeting.
Self-Guided (Online)
5 hours
5 SHRM Credits
5 ATD CI Credits
Gain a marketable new skill by learning the basics of double-entry bookkeeping, financial reporting, and more.
Instructor-Moderated (Online) or Self-Guided (Online)
24 hours
Gain an understanding of accounting basics, such as double-entry accounting, how to analyze and record financial transactions, and more.
Self-Guided (Online)
5 hours
5 PMI PDU Credits
5 SHRM Credits
5 ATD CI Credits
Give yourself skills that are in high demand by exploring corporate accounting.
Instructor-Moderated (Online) or Self-Guided (Online)
24 hours
If you're interested in increasing your financial awareness while also gaining a marketable skill, this series of courses is perfect for you. You will learn the basics of double-entry bookkeeping, while also learning how to analyze and record financial transactions, as well as prepare various financial reports at the end of the fiscal period.
Instructor-Moderated (Online)
48 hours
This suite of courses will teach you the fundamentals of accounting with QuickBooks Online. You'll learn the essentials of double-entry bookkeeping and managing the financial aspects of your small business quickly and efficiently using QuickBooks.
Instructor-Moderated (Online)
96 hours
Prepare for the Accounts Payable Manager (APM) Certification exam and learn best practices for managing your team now and in the future.
Self-Guided (Online)
30 hours

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